Sunday, March 24, 2013

Have times really changed that much?

I remember when I was a kid, I was constantly outside with kids my age playing hide and go seek, or tag, or kick the can! We would have done anything for a park in our area where we can actually play some real sports!

Of course I understand that now-a-days, with all the fancy electronics, kids are trapped indoors with the temptation of the TV, video games,  and the computer, but if they had a beautiful sports park next to them, would they use it? I would think so. I'm sure parents would enjoy getting their kids enrolled in a local baseball league, soccer team, etc. It has so many benefits, health and self esteem wise.

When kids feel apart of something, such as a team, it teaches them how to set short term goals for themselves at a young age, and learn how to handle loosing and winning, which is very important in life to know.  It also teaches kids that when one practices something diligently and doesn't give up, amazing accomplishments can happen, plus it always nice to know that they are getting plenty of excersise at the same time!

Yeah sure there are plenty of these parks nice areas. What about the not so nice areas? Should the kids have to suffer just because they don't live in the suburbs? no. Everyone should have equal access to living a healthy fun lifestyle through sports in their area.

Even if there was enough money to get more sport parks built, how would we get the kids, or anyone to get motivated to participate when they would rather be playing with their newest gameboy or whatever? Maybe its time to turn this generation away from electronic dependent and turn them towards a healthier life style. But I really don't know how, I don't think anyone really does. I just hope that someday it happens, because once playing a sport at a community park becomes a trend, maybe many will follow?

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